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The Modern English Version is a 2013 translation of the bible based on the Received Text.
Albert Hembd, a consultant to the Trinitarian Bible Society, wrote an extensive article called An examination of the New King James Version. You can find it on the TBS website. In this article, he reviews the changes that the NKJV introduces over the KJV. In this present article, I’d like to go over his examples of NKJV errors, and see if the Modern English Version (MEV) does better or worse. The headings, and subheadings that follow are taken directly from the article. The reader may wish to have the original article open while reading through this evaluation.
Where the KJV has hell, the NKJV has Hades. The MEV has Hades in at least Matthew 11.23, Matthew 16.18, Luke 16.23, Acts 2.27, and Acts 2.31. It has hell in Luke 10.15.
The NKJV changes experience to character. The MEV has character.
The NKJV has difficult instead of narrow. The MEV has narrow.
The MEV handles the pronouns correctly.
The MEV follows the NKJV in saying kneeling.
The MEV doesn’t have a footnote.
The MEV follows the NKJV in saying He does not help the angels.
The MEV correctly says appearance.
The MEV doesn’t have a footnote.
The MEV follows the NKJV error.
The MEV follows the delight language of the NKJV.
The MEV retains the KJV’s imaginations.
The MEV retains the KJV’s affections.
MEV doesn’t use these pronouns.
The MEV follows the NKJV (and the critical text) in omitting the word one.
The MEV follows the KJV in saying the veil which.
The MEV follows the error of the NKJV, and renders it as the name.
The MEV follows the error of the NKJV, and renders it as white robes.
Jeff Riddle has published another helpful review as part of his Word Magazine.
This article was first published on September 30, 2022. As you can see, there are no comments. I invite you to email me with your comments, criticisms, and other suggestions. Even better, write your own article as a response. Blogging is awesome.