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Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments. It’s based on VirtualBox VMs. This article describes how this Ruby tool can be useful to Django developers.
The modern web developer works on many different projects. Each project has a
unique set of requirements, dependencies and package versions needed for that
project to succeed. Keeping all of these libraries in check is difficult.
is a tool that creates isolated environments for Python
packages. Vagrant takes this approach a step further. You can virtualize the
entire server.
Just as each Django project will have a requirements.txt
file which lists
the project’s pip
dependencies, your project will now have a
and a cookbooks
directory. The Vagrantfile
how the VM should be created and the cookbooks
directory contains
instructions on what packages to install. For example, in the Vagrantfile
you will specify a VM which runs an Ubuntu server with 256MB of RAM and your
directory will tell vagrant to install apache2, git, postgresql
and memcached.
Getting started with vagrant is simple.
vagrant is distributed as a Ruby gem and you can install it like so:
gem install vagrant
Next, you will download a base box that I made for you. It’s an Ubuntu 10.10 server with minimal configuration.
vagrant box add vagrant-ubuntu http://honza.pokorny.ca/downloads/vagrant-ubuntu.box
This will take a while so you may want to get a beverage.
Next, you will create a directory that will hold your project and initialize it for vagrant.
cd ~/Code
mkdir webapp
cd webapp
vagrant init vagrant-ubuntu
This will create a Vagrantfile
in that directory.
And then run
vagrant up
to actually build and boot the environment. This might take a few minutes.
After this, your environment is running. Your environment is a headless
virtualbox instance. You can ssh
into the box by running:
vagrant ssh
You will notice that your project directory (webapp
) is mounted inside the
environment under /vagrant
. Any changes to either directory will affect the
You can shutdown your environment with
vagrant halt
Destroy it with:
vagrant destroy
Next, you will install some packages into the VM. You will install some common Django packages: PostreSQL, Apache, WSGI, memcached and git.
cd ~/Code/webapp
git clone git@github.com:honza/cookbooks.git
This downloads all kinds of cookbooks ready for our use. We will create a custom cookbook inside that directory where we will define what packages we want:
cd cookbooks
mkdir webapp
cd webapp
mkdir recipes
touch recipes/default.rb
Now open up the default.rb
file and enter the following:
require_recipe "postgresql::server"
require_recipe "apache2"
include_recipe "apache2::#{node[:django][:web_server]}"
require_recipe "git"
require_recipe "memcached"
And modify your Vagrantfile
to use the cookbooks:
Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
config.vm.box = "vagrant-ubuntu"
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks"
chef.add_recipe "webapp"
For the configuration changes to take effect, you need to run:
vagrant reload
OK, that concludes our quick introduction to Vagrant. I hope you see how this can be beneficial and how simple it is to get started.
This article was first published on April 19, 2011. As you can see, there are no comments. I invite you to email me with your comments, criticisms, and other suggestions. Even better, write your own article as a response. Blogging is awesome.